Announcement: This Site Has Moved

September 20, 2010 Leave a comment


IMAM Ireland would announce that our official blog and site have moved to

effective when you read this notice.

Please visit us there, and leave your foot prints too!

IMAM Ireland Student Chapter

Categories: Uncategorized

Clinical Case Competition

March 29, 2010 Leave a comment

Date: Saturday, 17 April 2010

Time: 10.00 – 16.00

Location: RCSI


Clinical Case Competition 2010 is a competition for Malaysian clinical years medical students to show off their talents and perfected their skills in presenting clinical cases that they encountered during their daily hospital rotation. Each contestant will present his/her case in 10 minutes in front of the judges followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers from the judges. To put it simply, those who possessed the most awesome clinical case, present it awesomely and answered the judges’ questions with utmost awesomeness, we will gladly declare you the winner 🙂 Simple enough?

Malaysian clinical years medical students

Well, since you were awesome enough to win the first prize, a 100 euro cash will be given to the first place winner

Royal college of surgeons Ireland, on 17 April 2010, start 10.00am in the morning until 4.oopm.

Registration can be made with saudari Khairiah 2nd year RCSI contact number : 0857584901 or email at noor_khairiah@

Send us your name, year of study, university’s name and 100 words abstract of your awesome clinical case before 5 April 2010,

So SENIORS, dig back all your AWESOME cases of ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, PANCREATIC CARCINOMA and what not and put your clinical knowledge and skills to the ultimate test. But dont get me wrong, sometimes a simple ANAEMIA case would do the job if you are AWESOME ENOUGH


Any enquiries, dont hesitate to contact
(Aimie Aizad 4th year RCSI) at 0857881938, or email at aimie_md@yahoo. ie
(Hazi 4th year trinity) at 0857799354
(Iqbal 2nd year RCSI) at 0852816610

Categories: Future Events

Cambodia Relief Mission 2009

January 24, 2010 Leave a comment

CRM 2009

Cambodia Relief Mission 2009: –

Cambodia merupakan sebuah negara yang mempunyai penduduk seramai 14 juta orang. Rata-rata penduduk negara ini menganut agama Buddha, namun, agama Islam juga subur di negara ini. Kemboja bersempadan dengan Laos, Thailand dan Vietnam. Cambodia Relief Mission adalah aktiviti tahunan yang dimulakan pada tahun 2006. Cambodia Relief Mission 2009 adalah misi kemanusiaan yang keempat setelah kejayaan misi kemanusiaan sebelumnya. Kebiasaannya, seramai 10 hingga 15 orang wakil yang terpilih akan membawa nama IMAM pada misi kemanusiaan ini.

Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan sewaktu Cambodia Relief Mission yang sebelumnya adalah pembahagian ubat-ubatan dan khidmat berkhatan. Penderitaan dan kemiskinan penduduk Kemboja menyebabkan ada antara mereka yang tidak mendapat khidmat kesihatan yang baik. Ramai penduduk di Malaysia pada masa ini tidak sedar akan masalah kemiskinan yang dialami, kerana taraf hidup penduduk di Malaysia yang agak baik. Namun, misi kemanusiaan ini membuka mata peserta akan kemiskinan dan penderitaan yang dialami oleh rakyat Kemboja. Pengalaman berharga ini banyak mengubah peserta misi kemanusiaan ini ke arahmenjadi doktor yang berwibawa pada masa akan datang.

Kehadiran wakil IMAM ke Kemboja pada tahun 2009 bukan hanya untuk menyediakan khidmat perubatan dan berkhatan, peserta Cambodia Relief Mission 2009 membawa azam untuk membantu penduduk kemboja melalui bantuan moral dan keagamaan. Peserta berharap dengan kedatangan mereka ke negara itu boleh memberi sinar harapan kepada mereka untuk terus maju mencari kejayaan di dunia & di akhirat (kepada mereka yang beragama Islam).

Maklumat lebih lanjut untuk aktiviti yang dijalankan sewaktu Cambodia Relief Mission 2009 boleh didapati di

Categories: Past Events


January 23, 2010 Leave a comment

Program IMAM yang diberi nama ‘Baling Relief Mission’ ini telah memilih Kampung Legong dan Kampung Charuk Bemban yang terletak di Baling, Kedah. Kawasan ini dipilih kerana kawasan ini merupakan antara kawasan paling miskin di Malaysia, justeru kebanyakan penduduknya kurang berkemampuan untuk mendapatkan khidmat kesihatan.

Selain itu, terdapat juga beberapa faktor lain seperti kekurangan doktor, kurangnya kesedaran tentang kepentingan kesihatan di kalangan penduduk, masalah kesihatan seperti malnutrisi dan sakit tua serta masalah sosial seperti penagihan dadah dan kes curi kabel yang berleluasa. Di samping itu, suatu program motivasi di SMK Jerai, Kupang, Baling, Kedah telah dirangka khusus untuk pelajar tingkatan empat dan lima yang akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.

Justeru, ‘Baling Relief Mission’ ini diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu platform untuk menyediakan bantuan dan khidmat sama ada dari sudut perubatan, kesedaran tentang kepentingan kesihatan serta bantuan bekalan asas kepada penduduk di kawasan yang terlibat. Selain itu, misi perubatan ini juga diharapkan dapat memberi peluang kepada para pelajar perubatan untuk merasai pengalaman menyertai ‘relief mission’ sebegini sekaligus memberi pendedahan kepada mereka terhadap kerjaya kedoktoran. Di samping itu, ‘relief mission’ ini juga diharapkan dapat membantu para pelajar untuk menyempurnakan subjek elektif mereka dan mendedahkan mereka terhadap kerjaya kedoktoran di luar hospital.

Laporan Lengkap Baling Relief Mission boleh didapati di

Categories: Past Events


January 17, 2010 1 comment

IMAM UK IRELAND SYMPO 2010 adalah sebuah kongres yang sudah menjadi acara tahunan bagi Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia (IMAM). IMAM ditubuhkan pada tahun 1989 dan dikenali sebagai salah satu daripada persatuan perubatan terbesar di Malaysia. Ahlinya terdiri daripada doktor, paramedik dan juga pelajar-pelajar yang sanggup memegang tanggungjawb menjalankan kerja amal di luar tanggungjawab kerja mereka.

IMAM Ireland UK Sympo 2010 adalah simposium ke 7 selepas kejayaan 6 simposium sebelumnya. Program ini mendapat rapport yang baik dari tokoh-tokoh yang berpengaruh seperti Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Menyedari akan kepentingan melahirkan graduan perubatan yang kompeten, inovetuv dan berdiplomatik, simposium pada tahun ini menekankan tema “The twisted tales of medicine, unravel the myths creating a legend”. Ia menyediakan 3 slot kepada peserta. Iaitu, kehidupan seorang pelajar, kehidupan awal seorang doktor dan juga sumbangan doktor, dan semua ini diadunkan dengan Islam untuk melahirkan modal insan yang berwibawa pada masa akan datang. Ini bertepatan dengan saranan kerajaan untuk melahirkan golongan profeesional yang berupaya memberi sumbangan bukan saja kepada rakyat Malaysia, bahkan kepada penduduk Islam dan dunia seluruhnya.

Aktiviti ini akan disertai oleh lebih kurang 200 orang peserta yang datang dari pelbagi negara. Penyertaan peserta pada kali ini diharapakan dapat memberi kesedaran kepada mereka tentang kepentingan kita sebagai bakal golongan Proffesional Islam. Maklumat lebih lanjut boleh didapati di

Categories: Past Events

Sambutan Pelajar Baru 2009

January 2, 2010 Leave a comment

Venue: Royal College Of Surgeons, Ireland

Date: 10th October 2009

SPB is an annual event to welcoming the new students of the year, organized by Persatuan Pelajar Islam Malaysia Ireland (PPIMI). IMAM EIRE SC had set up a booth to introduce IMAM to the new students during the day.

Some of them have already known IMAM from pre-departure programme while some are still curious what is IMAM. We were trying our best to explain what IMAM is all about. There were pictures on the board and some videos too. Alhamdulillah we managed to attract about 40 new members registered during the event. We are expecting more new members through our Lets IMAMing campaign. Almost all of the new members are looking forward to join IMAM relief missions besides the other medical related activities.

We were also launching ‘Tabung Padang Earthquakes’ concerning the outbreak news in Padang, Indonesia. There was a Blood Glucose test and each person was charged 50cent for the test and all proceeds went to the Tabung Padang earthquakes. It was a great success and people seemed to like it. Alhamdulillah, we managed to collect about €76.00 for the ‘tabung’. The drive is running up until 31st October 2009.

We hope to get more new members to join for the SPB next year. And can find a better way to promote IMAM to all medical students all over Ireland. InsyaAllah.

Prepared by,

Wan Farah Athirah Wan Nasrudin,

Secretary II IMAMIERESC 0910.

Categories: Past Events

IMAM Predeparture 2009

January 2, 2010 Leave a comment

Venue  : Bukit Cherakah, Shah Alam, Selangor

Date      : 7th and 8th of August 2009

Alhamdulillah All praise be to Allah, for only with His blessings and guidance, we have managed to organize the 2008 IMAM Pre-departure program on the 7th and 8th of August. The program was attended by around 25 students as participants (they will be flying off to UK , Ireland , and Czech), with 35 facilitators (from UK , Ireland , and Czech), and around 7 doctors with 2 as speakers.

Below is the summary of the events.

Day 1

Talk 1 – Requirements for Medics by Prof. Amal

The introduction and first talk was made by Prof. Amal. He conveyed a message from Prof. Rashid, giving us the best of luck in our pre-departure programme as he didn’t made it to the programme due to being quarantine for H1N1.

However, Prof. Amal did his best in conveying the talk regarding PPIM and IMAM Student Chapter with all the mission statement. The mission statements has long been made and should be practice by all medical students in order to perform as a doctor, and at the same time, to gain mardhatillah.

Some of the mission statements are:

  • ·IMAM as a common platform for Muslim doctors to resolve fiqh of Islam regarding medical field.
  • ·Networking among doctors and students, nationally and internationally, using student chapter group and IMA, and also FIMA.
  • ·Exploiting the special position of being a doctor despite age, gender, race, religion, time and geography in order to perform work as a doctor for the best of ummah and Islam.
  • ·Tying Muslim doctors and medical students with a responsibility to perform duty for ummah and also making IMAM as a platform to convey Islam, practicing Islam and preaching Islam to the public by word and action.
  • ·With IMAM Student Chapter, the medical students will have direct access to every type of programme and planning that is made by the centre of PPIM an FIMA, other than making their own programme in the local and nationals.

Solah in the Garden
This slot is a practical session for the students to practice solah at anywhere suitable, knowing that Islam is easy, and made not difficult to the Muslim to practice it. The important thing is to find any place as long as the place is clean, and for female students, ‘telekung’ is not compulsory as long as you the aurat are fully covered. Beforehand, Hafiz Che Ismail as the PIC of the slot made clear on all the instructions and tips to pray at any place suitable at overseas. Later the participants and the facilitators succeed in performing solah out in the open space. However, performing solah on a hard surface like the ‘tar’ was found not the best choice to pray on.

LDK 1: Ta’aruf Senior

Here, the students were grouped into 5 groups, according to their respective universities. This is the time for the participants to ask their seniors anything they want to concern studies, life and anything related to being abroad. Issues range from what clothes to buy, what food to bring, the study system of the respective universities, accommodation amongst others. This slot really helps the participants to be ready before flying by making the right preparation.

Fiqh Perantau by Akh Safwan

This session was conducted by brother Safwan himself and he discussed on matters of overseas fiqh such as jama’,qasar prayer,fasting, khuf etc. All topics were given a thorough explanation based on the verse of

al-qur’an and hadith or from the example given by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself and his companion.

Tayangan Video – Life as an Oversea Student

Participants were given an insight view of their respective universities both UK and Ireland .

LDK 3: Sembang kopi dan minum malam

This is an extended session from Ta’aruf with seniors. Again in their groups, participants and facilitators had an open discussion on wide issues. Syrup and mineral water were served instead of coffee.

Day 2

Motivasi Pagi

Brother Iqbal Abd Ghani (IMAM Eire President ’09/’10) took over this session after subuh prayer. He showed a video by Prof Amal entitled ‘Shift Your Paradigm’ which shows the reality of the Muslim world today and as a reminder for both participants and facilitators. Earlier on, Brother Ammar Manas (ex IMAM Eire President) gave a short and meaningful reminder on why we should be grateful to Allah for all of the nikmat he gave us.

Clinical Exercise (OSCE Stations)

This Mini OSCE was held for the participants to have a feel some practical stuff that medical student did in school. In groups, participants were asked to visit 5 stations, where they were given different problems in different clinical settings and situations for them to solve in a group. Stations included having the students to do history taking, blood pressure measurement, first aid, auscultation, and others.

Each station took approximately 10 minutes. Overall, the participants enjoyed this session, as it was not only fun, but they also had a little glimpse of the clinical life awaiting them.

The students LOVE the game!

Talk 2: How can I become Istiqamah in Medicine & Who are you in 10 years time?

The second talk continues with a talk by Prof. Latiff, on the topic “How can I become Istiqamah in Medicine & Who you are in 10 years time?” Even though the session was spiced up with some anticipating & funny incident; Prof. Latiff’s chair suddenly broke, the content that was conveyed by Prof. Latiff was concise despite the short time.

Among the things that were conveyed by Prof. Latiff are the mission and vision of IMAM, the connection of life and doctors, and also the responsibilities of a Muslim person. He also gave the participants a brief walkthrough on his life and future dreams. The slot gave such an insight to the participants, and even the facilitators, to correct one’s nawaitu to get the best in being a doctor and a Muslim. This session is a must in the future pre-departure.

LDK 4: Sharing with Doctors “Doctor’s Diary”

The participants and committee members were split into a few big groups and each group was assigned a doctor. Among the doctors that made it to this session were Dr. Latiff, Dr. Jazree, Dr. Arnee, and Dr. Aneesah.  This session was an interactive one as the participants were given the chance to ask the doctors any questions or to ask for their opinions on any particular issues.

Among the experiences shared by the doctors include how they endured medical school, their life as a houseman and how they survived living overseas.

Presentation IMAM UKEire Student Chapter Activity

a)      Ice-breaking: Committees

b)      Yearly activities

c)       Cambodia Relief Mission

d)      Acheh Relief Mission

The first presentation begins with the presentation from IMAM Ireland Student Chapter by Iqbal the president, followed by IMAM UK Student Chapter by Alwi as the president. After a brief background on IMAM, the session continues with the introduction of IMAM UK and Ireland to the participants. After that, the respective people continue to give their presentation on Cambodia Relief Mission and Acheh Relief Mission. However, due to short of time, the session was done in quite a rush. Overall, the session gave the participants on what IMAM is all about.

Finally, we hope that the participants had a blast, and at the same time acquired knowledge and wisdom from the doctors and facilitators. It’s also an honour for us to get the participants to get to know IMAM, which will be there in their country that they’re going, to help them with their study, in order to obtain mardhatillah in any ways accepted by Allah. From the participants’ feedback, Alhamdulillah many found it a beneficial program and had learnt many new things from the program. They are also very satisfied with the venue, accommodation, food, and transportation provided, also giving us both positive and negative feedback in order for us to learn from our mistakes, and for the next committee to do better.

Hence, I, on behalf of the rest of the committee, would like to take the opportunity to say a few words of appreciation and gratitude to those who were involved in the IMAM Pre-departure Program 2009, especially to the doctors who had spent their time with us; you have definitely inspired us all to become good Muslim doctors InsyaAllah. Also thank you to all the facilitators, the participants, and most importantly to the working committee of the IMAM Pre-departure Program 2009 for their massive effort. Only Allah will be able to repay what you have done and sacrifice for this event.  For the committee members, I should say, we made a great team! ~ Alhamdulillah.

Thank you very much.

Prepared by,

Erwina Nursyaheera Sulaiman & help from other committee

IMAM Pre-departure 2009

Categories: Past Events